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The Hivemapper Network’s First Anniversary: A Community Tribute

Marking a year of collective mapping, the Hivemapper community celebrates the growth of the world’s most dynamic map network.

As the Hivemapper Network marks one year since launch, we pause to reflect on the community that has made it all possible. The incredible journey we’ve shared in mapping the globe has interwoven our shared experiences and stories, creating meaningful connections. As we build the freshest and most accurate map, this milestone stands as a testament to the dedication and commitment of our contributors, who have fostered the world’s fastest-growing map community.
In just one year, we’ve collectively mapped an astounding 80 million total road kilometers, and we’re rapidly closing in on 6 million unique road kilometers. This map coverage provides standardized street-level imagery from which our Map AI extracts objects and intelligence — and map customers are actively licensing this data via our Map Image API and Map Features API. The network’s progress underscores the dedication and effort of each contributor.

A Snapshot of Community Engagement

Map/AI contributors 

We’re proud to acknowledge the contributions of more than 24,000 active map contributors and AI trainers. Your dedication to collecting and refining data has been the backbone of our network’s growth, consistently pushing the boundaries of what we can achieve together.

Discord participation

With 8,275 members, our Discord channel has become a vibrant hub for discourse, collaboration, and community-building. Your discussions, feedback, and insights have been invaluable in shaping Hivemapper’s direction.

X (Twitter) growth

Our community on X has grown to nearly 20,000 followers. Your engagement, from following updates to sharing and amplifying our messages, has played a pivotal role in expanding our reach and impact.

Community AMAs 

We’ve hosted 15 community AMAs over the past year, with over 12,500 listens and views on YouTube. These sessions have fostered community dialogue, with the Hivemapper team discussing the latest network developments and answering your questions.

Open Road, Season One: Trailblazers

We launched Open Road to tap into the community’s spirit of trailblazing adventure. During the season, more than 1.4 million unique kilometers were added to the map, our community shared over 100 photos across social platforms, and some 3,700 tickets were issued for the Open Road weekly raffle.
The Hivemapper community in images.

Community Voices

As we celebrate the network’s first birthday, the voices of our contributors resonate the loudest. Here are some reflections directly from members of the Hivemapper community:
Eddie from Los Angeles, California, has been with us for over two years since he learned about Hivemapper through an Uber/Lyft driver Facebook group. “The thing I find most interesting about Hivemapper is how the company keeps improving year by year,” he says, “making it easy for each driver to contribute to a better mapping network.” Eddie beautifully captures the spirit of our community, adding, “The best way to describe Hivemapper’s community is that it has a great atmosphere. Someone is always helping someone, from the smallest problems to the difficult ones. But most importantly, everyone knows how to laugh, which makes everything a lot more fun.”
Lope from Manila, Philippines, turned to driving during the pandemic and soon found himself contributing to the Hivemapper Network. “It’s encouraging to help build the map when we see our routes in the Explorer,” he says. He cherishes the community’s friendliness, noting, “The people in the community are kind and helpful; I have someone to talk to when I can’t sleep.”
David from Texas has been an active contributor since March, deploying a fleet of over 30 dashcams daily. He discovered Hivemapper on YouTube. “The most interesting thing about Hivemapper is the project itself,” he says. “The concept of using people like us to map the planet in a consistent and affordable way that compensates drivers using crypto is a phenomenal idea.” David praises the community’s spirit, noting that it’s “full of knowledge and good vibes; everyone there is willing to help.”
Rummanul from Malaysia has been with us since the beginning, and learned about Hivemapper during the pandemic. He values the platform’s approach, calling it “user-friendly global mapping.” Rummanul celebrates the community’s warmth and lack of prejudice, describing it as “without fear of corporate corruption, with an endless supply of support.”

The diversity, passion, and unique perspectives of our contributors are the lifeblood of the Hivemapper Network. Your contributions, feedback, and support are the driving force behind our success. As we look forward to many years of growth and innovation, we remain committed to building the world’s freshest map with you — the Hivemapper community. **

Join the Hivemapper community. Follow us on X (Twitter) and join our Discord.

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